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Elkan's Word For Today

Our Mission is to present the word of God in a format that is practical, relevant and clear;
To ignite in Believers a passion for study and to foster spiritual growth in the global community of Believers in Christ Jesus.

Our Streams

We're spreading the Gospel, using as many mediums as we can.

ElkanWFT Devotional

Our flagship written devotional for growing Believers.

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Rhema Pixels

Meme-styled devotional for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

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ElkanWFT Audio

Audio recordings of ElkanWFT devotional by Believers from around the world.

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Answers With Elkan

Videos of teachings, devotional summaries, and Bible answers.

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Testimonies about the teaching and preaching ministry of Greg Elkan.
testimonial testimonial

Greg Elkan is a sage in Bible exegesis. Well-informed, yet readily accommodates strictbible-based sentiments. In addition, he has a sound judgment that would incite in anyaudience the desire to search the scriptures.

Dominic Akingbotolu

Elkan's Word For Today

testimonial testimonial

Not many of us have the same skill Greg Elkan has. He makes you understand a matter as though it is what he had studied all his life; and yet leaves you with a hunger to know so much more than what he reveals.

Atima Isaac

Word Encounter Ministries

testimonial testimonial

I am excited about your work. Good to see the QUALITY of your responses. Can stand anywhere in the world… Overly, your work is a very good study material. I enjoyed reading it and was personally greatly edified.

Yusuf Leinge

Author, Teach It Like Kids.

testimonial testimonial

“Every time I hear Pastor Greg preach or teach, I marvel at his depth of knowledge and insight. He is a man you can count on for a balanced approach to biblical areas where many go extreme.”

Ayodeji O. Ajide

Tech Entrepreneur/Futurist


Our Latest Blogs

Samples of our written devotionals. Contact us to receive them each weekday.
March 4, 2024

A Case For Power

“But you shall receive power.. .” – Act 1:8. When it comes to the matter of modern-day miracles, the church today seems to be divided into two camps: those who […]

January 15, 2024

Can You Detect Error?

Test all things; hold fast that which is good. – 1Th 5:21 These are the last days, and the amount of varied doctrines being bandied about as “Truth” is staggering […]

September 4, 2023

The Concept of “Doctrine”

Every group of people, if they get together long enough, will naturally develop their own jargon: their unique insider language that they employ for the sake of identity, clarity, and […]

July 31, 2023

The Salvation Process: Simplified

For by grace are you saved THROUGH FAITH; – Eph 2:8 You must have heard of the evangelism method mantra: “There’s only one way to the Father, but there’re many ways to […]

July 31, 2023

Sister Faith And Deaconess Patience

Polygamy is a not allowed in the New Covenant. However, the Bible says if we’re to produce any spiritual fruit, we’ll need to be concurrently married to these two ‘ladies’ […]

July 31, 2023

Eugene Peterson Warned Us, 13 Years Earlier

Have you heard of ‘The Secret’? If you’ve a Christian and a member of the Pentecostal movement and have never heard of ‘The Secret’, you will definitely feel left out of something […]

March 30, 2021

Spirituality or Spiritism?

Asceticism does not mean spirituality. Col 2 tells us that exaggerated show of godliness, self-abasement and neglecting of the body has no impact on one’s standing with God. External sanctimony […]

March 30, 2021

James Is Listening

Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth;   keep the door of my lips_ – Ps 141:3 There’re 3 JAMESE in the Bible; 2 were part of the 12 apostles: […]