
Month: July 2023

The Salvation Process: Simplified

For by grace are you saved THROUGH FAITH; – Eph 2:8

You must have heard of the evangelism method mantra: “There’s only one way to the Father, but there’re many ways to Christ”. Well, as it turns out, the ways to Christ are not exactly infinite.

Romans chapter 10 contains one of the clearest, most unambiguous explanations on the process and path to salvation. In verse 9, Paul calls what we preach, “the word of FAITH” (not the words of induced Fear). Why?

“Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (not confess a list of your past sins) and believe in your heart (not acknowledge with your head) that God raised him from the dead, you WILL be saved.

Note the simplicity. Note the straightforwardness. And in case it isn’t clear enough, the Apostle further explains:

For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation(vs 9,10 NET, amplifications and emphasis mine).

When the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul gave a direct reply “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.”

Let’s keep the message simple and straightforward. The Gospel is about FAITH in CHRIST Jesus.

So FAITH comes from hearing the Good News. And people hear the Good News when someone tells them about CHRIST. – Rom 10:17 (ERV).


More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


Sister Faith And Deaconess Patience

Polygamy is a not allowed in the New Covenant. However, the Bible says if we’re to produce any spiritual fruit, we’ll need to be concurrently married to these two ‘ladies’ – FAITH and PATIENCE.

You see, ‘Tensions’ – apparently contradictory truths in scripture – are not only for theologians and seminarians; when it comes to practical Christianity, you need to know how to keep these two ‘ladies’ in your house without causing conflict.

Are you praying for a miracle? Sister Faith insists it must be NOW! Deaconess Patience, on the other hand, says impetuousness is a sign of carnality and spiritual immaturity; she says you must be willing to wait!

Heb 11:6 says “Without faith, it is impossible to please God”. That means God is turned off by those who approach Him without any expectation of His intervention. Our Lord said in Mk 11:24, “Whatever things you desire, WHEN YOU PRAY, believe that you will receive them, and you shall have them.” He’s saying that you shouldn’t expect to get anything from God if you come with a this-is-my-need-but-you-can-solve-it-at-your-own-convenience mindset. You must be earnest and importunate in your prayer.

Now, the same Hebrews that tells us “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” also tells us that, “You have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise” (Heb 10:36).

What gives?

To receive the promise, I need to be both importunate AND patient? Isn’t that a contradiction?

Well, not really. You need Faith to birth the seed of the miracle, but at the same time you need Patience (like a surrogate mom) to carry the miracle to full time delivery.

Many Believers have much faith, but their lack of patience keeps killing the miracle mid-term. On the other hand, many feel that their not ‘disturbing’ God about their problem is proof of patience. That’s an empty womb that’s not going to birth anything whatsoever.

You need both. Heb 6:12 admonishes us to be “followers of them who through faith AND patience inherit the promises.

Receive whatever you have desired among those promises NOW in Jesus’ name.



Eugene Peterson Warned Us, 13 Years Earlier

Have you heard of ‘The Secret’? If you’ve a Christian and a member of the Pentecostal movement and have never heard of ‘The Secret’, you will definitely feel left out of something BIG. And ‘The Secret’ is big – Hollywood-blockbuster big; New-York-Times-best-seller big.
‘The Secret’ is a film consisting of a series of interviews designed to demonstrate that everything one wants or needs can be satisfied by believing in an outcome, repeatedly thinking about it, and maintaining positive emotional states to “attract” the desired outcome. In a nutshell, it’s the “Law of Attraction” in video format. As a movie, it raked in over 65 million dollars at the box office (not bad for a movie that cost $3.5 million to produce). As a book, it has sold millions of copies and comes in various forms: cassette, CD, Kindle, etc. it even has a version for teenagers. Oprah Winfrey championed it in two of her shows and said its principles were what she lived her life by. Impressed? You should be. ‘The Secret’ comes packaged with its own endorsement. Not only is it presented by well-known personalities who are bestselling authors in their own right; but it claims that this “Secret” is the principle that renowned icons of our human history lived by: Plato, Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, the list goes on.
How did I know all this? Well, I was forced to. While I admit to being curious by nature, my curiosity didn’t get me into all this; the hype did. Everyone seemed to be talking about it. And pastors (some unwittingly, some flagrantly) endorsed the movie and the spinoff book from their pulpits. I decided I had to know what this “secret” was all about. I finally got the book; and found myself stuck – on page 1! There was something odd about what was being spoken. I couldn’t put my finger on it yet. However, it just didn’t fit. Then all of a sudden, three things struck me:
1.       The title, “THE SECRET”, promises to let the reader in on some hidden knowledge that others do not have access to: a promise that was once promised about two millennia ago by the GNOSTICS. [Gnosticism was an esoteric religious movement that flourished during the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD and presented a major challenge to orthodox Christianity. Most Gnostic sects professed Christianity, but their beliefs sharply diverged from those of the majority of Christians in the early church. The term gnosticism is derived from the Greek word gnosis (“revealed knowledge”). To its adherents, Gnosticism promised a secret knowledge of the divine realm. (source: Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.)]
2.     The presentation was all too smooth and too Dan-Brownish to me and rang too familiar with the Da-Vinci Code brouhaha and all the “Lost Gospels” drama 10 years ago: Dan Brown’s source materials were, of course, the discredited “Gospels” of 200+ A.D. – written by the GNOSTICS.
3.    Finally, with shock, I realised that this type of presumptuous claim of possession of some special knowledge was exactly the problems the Apostolic writers tackled with in their days. Specifically Paul (in Colossians), John (in 1 John), and Jude. And surprise, surprise, those claims were being made then by, well, GNOSTICS.
I quickly discovered that this material wasn’t a secret at all; at least not to Bible students. Mark Earley, President of Prison Fellowship, summed up ‘The Secret’ in just four words: “New Book, Old Lie”.
I put these observations of mine to a brother in my church who I found reading the book and he attacked me for being ignorant. He said the authors of the book were well-versed and well-learned and even know the Bible much more than I would ever know. I remember particularly pointing out to him that it was stuff like these that made Paul write to the Colossian church in the 1st century A.D. But he would have none of it and I let him be.
So you would understand my shock and amazement two days ago when I read Colossians chapter 2 from The Message Bible. The Message is a Bible translation by Eugene Peterson that is notorious for its extreme idiomatic and dynamic equivalent paraphrasing of the original Greek and Hebrew texts. (You need to read Genesis 1:1 in that version to see what I mean). Well, I was reading Colossians 2 in the Message version and this is what I found in verses 2 – 4. (Emphases are mine).
“I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on CHRIST, God’s great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery AND NOWHERE ELSE. And we’ve been shown the mystery! I’M TELLING YOU THIS BECAUSE I DON’T WANT ANYONE LEADING YOU OFF ON SOME WILD-GOOSE CHASE, after other so-called mysteries, OR “THE SECRET”.
Yes, you read it correctly; he put THE SECRET in quotation marks. Colossians was translated by Eugene Peterson in 1993. “The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne, was released in 2006 – 13 years later.
Greg Elkan