
The 3 Acid Tests: Check the Christology

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The 3 Acid Tests: Check the Christology

Test all things; hold fast that which is good. – 1Th 5:21

As every science student learns quickly in chemistry, gold – pure gold – is a very boring element. In fact, it is one of the least reactive elements in the periodic table. It doesn’t combust spontaneously, doesn’t corrode when exposed to air, doesn’t fizzle when dropped into water, it doesn’t even react with nitric acid; it just sits there with its dull, shiny self; (talk about an oxymoron).

This non-reactive character of gold is what gives rise to the phrase, “Acid Test”; to test a piece of jewellery, simply dip it in nitric acid. Gold-looking fake alloys will quickly dissolve in it. Real gold, however, will come out unscathed!

In Christianity, there’re three concepts that serve as effective “acid tests” in spotting false doctrine: “Christology”, “Soteriology” and “Bibliology”. It’s virtually impossible for a false doctrine/preacher to go through these 3 tests unscathed. In these last days of ours with new doctrines and “revelations” popping up every day, we need to be familiar with the tests so you can “both save yourself and those that hear you,” (1Ti 4:16).

“Christology” is the branch of theology concerned with the study of the nature, character, and actions of Jesus Christ. In other words, you need to know what a doctrine or speaker’s opinion of who Jesus Christ is! The Bible states that Jesus is both fully God and fully man (Jn 1:1-3,14;Phil 2:5-11; Col 2:9; 1 Tim 3:16; Heb 1:5-13). He’s not so much of God that He’s not man and He’s not so much of Man that He’s not God. Deviant doctrines typically emphasise one at the expense of the other, or deny both altogether.

When Christ is not the centre of any teaching or doctrine, you already know its satanic source. Muslims, for example, may tell you that Jesus is a well-respected prophet in Islam; but you won’t see Jesus anywhere in the “5 Pillars”. Similarly, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ signature book “The Greatest MAN Who Ever Lived” unwittingly gives away their errant Christology. Other examples are Gnosticism, Mormonism, Christian Science, even Liberal/Secular Scholarship.

Christology is usually the easiest test for heresy. But considering that the shrewdness of many “Christian” heresy, the two other tests will be necessary to make sure we’re on solid footing.


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