
CONTINUATIONISM: Prepared For The Bad Times

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CONTINUATIONISM: Prepared For The Bad Times

“But you shall receive power.. .” – Act 1:8.

One major problem with the position that Cessationists hold concerning miracles is that it deprives believers of solutions when they need them.

We live in a fallen world, and things do not always go according to plan. Disasters strike, sicknesses come, evil people assail to maim and kill, etc. Teaching your members that the days of miracles are over is robbing them of a vital tool that they would need when troubles strike.

Not everyone has access to world-class medical care, and even those who do are well aware of the limits to what even the most advanced form of medical science can do. We need God and His miraculous power in order to live our everyday lives.

Miracles are, by their very nature, extraordinary events. Nevertheless, when we do need them, we need to have the mindset that the God who created the earth out of nothing, the God who delivered His people from various forms of danger, who healed His people from their diseases, who provided for His people in their times of lack, etc. (Gen 1:1; Ex 16:4-31; 17:5-13; 1Ki 17:6; 17:9-16; 19:1-8; 2Ki 4:1-7; 38-41; 5:1-19; etc.); we need to know that that same God will come through for us when we call on Him!


More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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