
The Truth, Simplified

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  • The Truth, Simplified


You play a VITAL role in taking the blessed edifying Gospel to the ends of the Earth! When you partner with ElkanWFT, you are taking the SIMPLIFIED TRUTH of the Bible to homes everywhere. Whether it’s through the devotional, radio broadcast, podcasts, print, evangelism outreaches, or any of our expanding projects — your faithful generosity will be having a REAL impact across the world!

Join us today in sharing the illuminating and liberating truths of the Word of God today. Together, let’s make an eternal impact!

We are currently working on integrating a direct online payment platform into this website. In the meanwhile, you can transfer directly to the account above. Please email us to notify us of the transfer or if you need any other additional information.

Ways To Support

One-Time Donation

You can make a one-off gift to the ministry.
All transfers are acknowledged within 24-hours, (Please send an email to gregelkan@gmail.com if it remains unacknowledged).

Monthly Partnership

To commit to supporting our varied work on a monthly basis, CLICK HERE

  • Partners have automatic admissions to all ElkanWFT Masterclasses.
  • Partners have automatic invitations to our Partner-Only Mission event.
  • Partners get regular ministry updates, testimonies, and developments

Volunteer a Skill

To commit to supporting our varied work on a monthly basis, CLICK HERE

It takes all a lot of hard work behind the scenes to get this work done.
You can volunteer your skills and gift today and be a blessing to countless others.
There are needs in a broad range of areas.
There’s hardly an area where you won’t find yourself useful.