
The 3 Acid Tests: Check the Bibliology

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The 3 Acid Tests: Check the Bibliology

Test all things; hold fast that which is good. – 1Th 5:21

The most important doctrine of the Bible is not about God (theology), Jesus (Christology), the Holy Spirit (pneumatology) or even salvation (soteriology). As important as these are, they’re not as fundamental as BIBLIOLOGY – the doctrine of the Bible itself.

This is because the only way we can know God is through Christ, and the only way we can know Christ is through the Bible. God, in His divine and regal prerogative, has designed it that way. That’s why the most important thing you need to check in any church, organisation or preacher is their bibliology; in other words, “what is their opinion of the Bible”?

Every so-called “Christian” preacher will quote from the Bible and every so-called “Christian” group will say they believe in the inspiration of the scriptures. But just like with “soteriology”, deviant teachers or will rely on additional SOURCES as authorities they quote from.

In these days of deception and error, the scriptures serve as our canon – our rule or yardstick – with which we can discern truth from error. Any preacher or organisation that takes away this rule in the name of “Church tradition”, “church founder”, “divine revelation”, “lost books of the Bible”, “hidden or secret books”, “personal revelation”, etc. is patently heretical.

This is particularly important in these modern times of ours where just about everybody is claiming to have received a “revelation” from God. Suddenly, Jesus has gotten loquacious. He appears to them when they were sleeping, when they were praying, when they were minding their own business, when they died and went to Hell/Heaven… etc. in every example, “Jesus” gave them a “personal and very important message to the body of Christ”.

One thing they all have in common is that they place their revelations on the same level with the word of God. Some even accuse you of unbelief if you question them. A lady once made waves when she claimed she went to Hell and was given a very important message for all men of God in Nigeria. When a well-known General Superintendent (whom she endorsed) distanced himself from her revelations, guess what? Her “Jesus” appeared again to tell her that the GS was envious! Indeed, “by their fruits you shall know them” (Mt 7:20).

Beloved, it’s not enough for someone to quote token verses in their sermons or books; we must determine what they consider as final authority. Is it only the written Word or is there another source? Taking them through the bibliology test will save us from a whole lot of heresy and deception.



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