
Your Doctrine Must Not Contradict THE Doctrine

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Your Doctrine Must Not Contradict THE Doctrine

Study to show yourself approved unto God… rightly dividing the word of truth. – 2Ti 2:15

There’s nothing wrong in extracting teachings (doctrines) from scripture. The doctrine of brotherly love (“royal law”, “golden rule”, etc.) helps confront the ills of our selfish generation; the propositions of Black Liberation Theology have played a critical role in addressing the social injustice and inequality that has historically plagued the black man, and we have all been blessed by the teachings of marriage extracted out from scripture.

Nevertheless, we must always remember that the Bible has its own doctrine. So, while we’re free to formulate our doctrines, we must make sure they do not contradict THE doctrine. For example, we’re free to frame a doctrine of demons and deliverance; but when the propositions of such doctrine is inconsistent with the message of the finished work of Christ on the Cross, then the statements of that doctrine shall to the extent of the inconsistency, (to borrow the legal language of the Nigerian constitution) be void.

Similarly, if a particular Eschatology (doctrine of the End Times) or Misthology (doctrine of Rewards) proposes that Believers in Christ go to Hell for not paying tithes or for not taking Communion; then that doctrine – to the extent to which it contradicts THE doctrine – is null and void.

Beloved, the doctrine (message) of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus is not an incidental message of scripture; it is THE message. It stands head and shoulders above every other truth we may find or propose. Therefore, we must place it at a premium and defend it whenever it is being trivialised, bastardised of done away with altogether in the presentation of a doctrine.

In that sense, the doctrine of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus becomes our canon – our standard or rule – with which we test each new doctrine that comes our way; (1Co 15:1-3).


More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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